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Grand Prize Winner
(Dec 2012)
Second Prize Winner
(July 2012)

Pilot Display for… a Twin Turbine Engine!

Just recently by a pure accident we became involved into very unusual project. Willing to become known to some degree amongst the local Sydney electronics enthusiasts we decided to take part in one of the community projects and help to build something. It didn’t take much time to wait for someone who posted a request […]

Bluetooth for Dummies: Domesticating RFComm

Knowing RFComm port number to connect to we are fully set for our final step – to establish RFComm communication channel. Before we can send RFComm specific commands we need to establish L2CAP connection to RFComm the same way as it has been already described in ‘Establishing connection to SDP’. The only difference is that […]

Bluetooth for Dummies: Getting Data from SDP

As a result of effort in previous post we now armed with knowdledge what has to be done in order to connect to Bluetooth SDP (Service Discovery Protocol). All we need to get from SDP is a RFComm channel number to connect to, the rest information provided by SDP service while it is a subject […]

Bluetooth for Dummies: Establishing Connection to SDP

This post is a continuation of our endeavour to enhance USB Host 2.0 for Arduino library making a particular focus on SPP Bluetooth profile and Luminardo’s ability to initiate connection to a remote Bluetooth SPP-aware hardware. Last time it has been described what had to be changed in the library in order for Luminardo to […]

Luminardo + Bluetooth dongle: to be or not to be?

Our next goal would be to establish communication between Luminardo and ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter like the one shown on the picture below. The adapter allows not to interfere with wires and therefore eliminates (or at least minimises) chances of running into problems with car’s onboard electronics, however, Bluetooth link adds up an additional complexity […]

Luminardo: USB Host Test

One of the most attractive features of Luminardo is its USB Host functionality built around MAX3421E chip and amazing USB Host Library for Arduino written and maintained by TKJ Electronics and by Circuits@Home. Today we are going to compile their library for our Luminardo and try to run a ‘quality test’ to make sure that […]

Luminardo: Intergation with MVFD 16S8D Panel

Luminardo motherboard and MVFD 16S8D Panel were specifically designed to fit together. That is why both PCBAs have the same board outline and matching mount holes. Two PCBAs interconnected by a 2 row 14 pin header, named as P8 on motherboard side and as JP2 on VFD panel side. In order to do the assembling […]

How To Make Sound A Total Failure Project

Inspired by the success of VFD MagiClock a decision to make something similar but out of new parts was made. To be fair, despite its appealing look the original clock was assembled using scrapped parts making it really difficult to replicate. In addition to that, rather substantial dimensions and necessity to have cumbersome power supply […]

PCB Manufacturing Deals

These are PCBs recently manufactured for a VFD project. Aiming at very small initial quantity and rather compact 100×25 mm dimensions BatchPCB was considered an ideal service for making our PCBs. But in the end it turned out that shipment from US would be ridiculously expensive and simply not being worth ordering. That was the […]

VFD MagiClock Designing and Assembling Process

The whole process from initial design to final assembling is presented in this video. We aimed to make it alive, entertaining and easy to watch. Hope you will like it!