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Grand Prize Winner
(Dec 2012)
Second Prize Winner
(July 2012)

Adding HM-10 Support to Arduino-Based CC-Debugger

After numerous reports of failures to flash HM-10 Bluetooth modules with the Arduino CC-Debugger we were lucky enough to get the module for experimentation and troubleshooting.

HM-10 BLE Module

To our surprise the tool indeed was refusing to communicate with the HM-10. Even ‘Info’ button kept reporting 0 Kb of flash memory […]

Flashing BLE112 with Arduino-Based CC-Debugger

As it is always the case, many products from Texas Instruments require a CC-Debugger to flash program memory. Bluegiga’s BLE112 module is not an exception. But when one compares BLE112 and CC-Debugger prices things don’t look bright anymore – there is a little sense (if any) to pay $50 US dollars for a CC-Debugger to […]

The BlueButton – Envisaging Enclosure

Continuing the development cycle of the BlueButton today we are going to create an enclosure prototype which potentially could be 3D printed. The goal would be to fit PCBA into a plastic box comprising of three parts: a top shell, a bottom shell and a round button. All 3D bodies will be created by extrusion […]

The BlueButton Project

Recently, after attending Ability-Maker-Meetup we were inspired by a group of friendly and openminded people with vision, passion, creativity and tremendous variety of skillsets. The people who share the same goal – to help those in need and with limited mobility by making openhardware things making hard lives of disabled people a bit easier and […]