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Bluetooth for Dummies: Domesticating RFComm

Knowing RFComm port number to connect to we are fully set for our final step – to establish RFComm communication channel. Before we can send RFComm specific commands we need to establish L2CAP connection to RFComm the same way as it has been already described in ‘Establishing connection to SDP’. The only difference is that […]

Bluetooth for Dummies: Getting Data from SDP

As a result of effort in previous post we now armed with knowdledge what has to be done in order to connect to Bluetooth SDP (Service Discovery Protocol). All we need to get from SDP is a RFComm channel number to connect to, the rest information provided by SDP service while it is a subject […]

Bluetooth for Dummies: Establishing Connection to SDP

This post is a continuation of our endeavour to enhance USB Host 2.0 for Arduino library making a particular focus on SPP Bluetooth profile and Luminardo’s ability to initiate connection to a remote Bluetooth SPP-aware hardware. Last time it has been described what had to be changed in the library in order for Luminardo to […]